If the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs make them feel nauseous 如果患者进食欠佳,药物会让他们感觉作呕。
There appears to be no advantage in supplementing well-nourished women during pregnancy, but further studies are required to evaluate the necessity of this ion in poorly nourished populations. 在孕期给营养良好的妇女补镁好像是没有益处的,但是需要更深入的研究来评估在营养不良的人群补充镁离子是不是必需的。
Many of britain's people are poorly dressed, badly housed, insufficiently nourished. 许多英国人衣着寒伧,居住简陋,营养不良。
Although beriberi can occur in anyone who is poorly nourished, it is very rare in the United States due to the addition of vitamins to many of the foods we eat. 虽然脚气病可发生在任何人营养不良,这是非常罕见,在美国,由于许多我们所吃食物中添加维生素。
In large part, that was because most of the soldiers were poorly supplied and poorly nourished. 在很大程度上,这是因为大部分的士兵供应不足和营养不良。
Higher prices would partly reflect greater demand from the billion-plus people in the world who are still poorly nourished. 涨价在一定程度上反映出,全球逾十亿营养不良人口的需求有所提升。
Severe measles is more likely among poorly nourished young children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/ AIDS or other diseases. 重度麻疹常见于营养不良的儿童,尤其是维生素A缺乏、或因艾滋病毒/艾滋病或其它疾病而导致的免疫系统功能减退的儿童。